

Creating a website may be a straightforward task, but designing a website that is visually appealing and user friendly requires a certain level of expertise. “Webbed” presents an ideal opportunity for web development enthusiasts to put their design and coding skills to the test. This competition, which consists of two rounds, challenges teams of 2 to showcase their abilities and creativity in web design.

Event Details:

Round 1: Aptitude Round

  1. A web development quiz centred around HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will serve as the criterion to select teams based on the points earned.
  2. The assessment will comprise a total of 30 questions, and participants will have a time limit of 25 minutes to complete the quiz.
  3. The quiz will primarily focus on assessing the knowledge and proficiency of participants in these key areas of web development.

Round 2: Theme Based Website Development Round

  1. In the second round, participants will get to select a theme from a curated list, around which they must skilfully develop a website, incorporating
    essential features and functionalities.
  2. Following this, the top five teams will be chosen to present their websites.
  3. Teams that produce the most outstanding website in both form and function will be awarded winners and runners-up respectively.

Rules and Regulations:

  1. A team must consist of 2 members.
  2. All the participants must be from the same college.
  3. Participants must present a physical college ID card and PID to participate in the event.
  4. The decisions of the judges and organisers will be final.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Accuracy
  2. Creativity
  3. Understanding of web development concepts
  4. Innovation


Venue :


Event Type :

Team Event

Team Size :

2 members per team

Round 1

22 Feb

5:00 am

Round 2

22 Feb

7:00 am