Code Fortify Fiesta

Code Fortify Fiesta

Code Fortify Fiesta is a technical, competitive two-round event designed to test the theoretical understanding and practical application of the participants. The event aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity in software development.

Event Details:

Round 1: Secure Code Submission

  1. Participants receive a problem statement containing an algorithm with potential mistakes.
  2. Their task is to understand the algorithm and translate it into secure code using C, C++, Java, or Python.
  3. The focus extends to fortifying the code by implementing robust data structures.
  4. Judges evaluate creativity, successful test case handling, adherence to coding best practices, effective communication skills, and identify flaws, with a negative score for any detected.

Round 2: Steganography Challenge

  1. Steganography involves hiding fortified messages within innocuous data.
  2. Participants must decode the text from these fortified images.
  3. This round not only tests one's coding skills but also the creativity and secure concealment.

Rules and Regulations:

  1. A team must consist of 2 members.
  2. All the participants must be from the same college.
  3. Participants must present a physical college ID card and PID to participate in the event.
  4. Participants must use C, C++, Java, or Python.
  5. Code fortification through the incorporation of secure data structures is mandatory.
  6. Participants should adhere to good coding practices.
  7. Participants must frame their own test cases, covering all possible scenarios.
  8. The decisions of the judges and organizers will be final.

Judging Criteria:

1. Round 1:

  • Fortification thoroughness.
  • Test case handling.
  • Coding best practices.
  • Communication skills.
  • Flaws, negative score will be awarded if any flaws are identified during evaluation.

2. Round 2: Steganography Challenge

  • Decoding approach: The creative approach used to decipher the text from image
  • Time taken: The duration participants required to decode the message.


Venue :

NCL 44

Event Type :

Team Event

Team Size :

2 members per team

Maximum Participants :


Round 1

23 Feb

4:00 am

Round 2

23 Feb

5:30 am